GNSS Data Research Infrastructure Center - CIBDG          

The entity responsible: Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (WUELS)

Entities implementing: Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (WUELS), Space Research Centre PAS (SRC PAS)

The dispersed character of the GNSS infrastructure resulted in issues with regard to access to its collected observations, as its individual elements belonged to different entities. Expansion of the infrastructure as part of project EPOS-PL improved the situation concerning the accessibility of the GNSS observations obtained from all GNSS constellations, with the simultaneous increase in the spatial distribution of the stations, with particular consideration given to areas located in the direct zone of influence of locations characterised by ongoing mining activity. The primary purpose of this task will be to establish a network of mobile, multi-sensor measurement stations equipped with both professional as well as inexpensive GNSS receivers, which will enable the conduction of earth science research. Utilising the inexpensive navigation signal receivers will make it possible to determine the potential for their future use, while simultaneously increasing the spatial resolution of the collected data. Such a solution could become a precursor, indicating the direction of mining-related terrain deformation monitoring system development. Access to the measurement data and obtained products will be provided by a website and ftp servers. This will enable the equal treatment and lack of discrimination with regard to all the entities using the newly-established infrastructure.


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